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The Battles of Self

Have you ever experienced doubt in life?

Not the type of doubt that makes you question if your outfit looks okay

or if you should tell your parents/boss/siblings/life-partner

the truth about why you were late for an event.

But the type of doubt that keeps you up at night.

As you lay there, tossing and turning, sitting up, laying back down, taking

deep breathes in through your nostrils and slowly releasing through your mouth,

sometimes even shedding a few tears and wondering why in the world

am I crying, those nights are the nights where true life-altering decisions are


Maybe you have felt compelled to speak up about a situation

that everyone seems to have an opinion on.

Maybe, you are sick and you're unsure if your love ones will be able to handle the news; or maybe it's at a crucial time in your career and you are set on accomplishing your goal.

I've been there a few times before, so I hope you find slight comfort

in me telling you, that you are NOT alone.

Truth is, the only reason why you feel alone is because as a species of the human race, we like to be dominant, in charge, and

for everyone to think that we have it all together, so we fail to broadcast our shortcomings. Sometimes, we even exaggerate our success.The worst part about it is when we find that one person in life who shares their true story with us and they inform us of all of the hard work, hardships, hard-times, and headaches they put into creating themselves or creating their business, instead of publicly identifying with them and sharing or stories of hardships, we ridicule them and judge their mistakes.

No need to drop your head in shame. We've all been there!

At some point in life, no matter how small of a thing it was, we all have hid a bit of the truth. Shame to let others know that there was a point in our life when we were on their current level. I'm not sure if we are running from our very identity or if we are so ignorant to believe that we can convince the world that life has always been “perfect” for us.

Whatever that word means.

Before you mistake my words above to mean that we should broadcast every downfall just to identify with others, let me quickly, make you aware that I in no way, shape, or form am asking you to do such a thing.

I will be the first to tell you that a silent climb renders far greater results than a boastful journey.

When you act in silence, you get to fight yourself,

and if you're anything like me, that fight is hard enough. However, when you announce everything to the world, you invite the world's input into every decision you make.

You invite the positive and the negative and even if you get upset,

you only have one person to be angry with,Yourself.

Therefore, I encourage you to battle your doubts in life.

On those hard, long stressful nights, fight with

yourself because something beautiful will emerge in the end.

Sometimes, while you're fighting yourself, you'll

get scratched by both, option a, option b, and your own self.

From that scratch, a brilliant conclusion will be birthed and you will still win in the end.


Accept every defeat, knowing that it gives room for something new to emerge.

Accept every moment of battle, knowing that you are not alone.

Accept every moment of truth, knowing that you are helping build integrity among mankind.

Keep Fighting Royal Sluggers!!!

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