Look to the Light
Let's be honest, 2020 has started off pretty rocky. I mean it's throwing punches from left and right but as always, in this corner of the world(or internet), we are choosing to be hopeful. While everyone else scrambles for toilet tissue, we are racing to our inner peace through breathing.
If you've been a part of the Slugger tribe from the start, you know how big I am on taking deep breaths before forging ahead. We gain so much clarity when we intentionally breathe.
I mean, just try it
1. Breathe in
2. Hold it, 5, 4, 3, 2,
3. Release
Don't you feel better already?
Seriously, I know you have a lot on your plate right now but I encourage you to think things through before you act. We can all analyze budgets and see where we can save money. We can choose not to snack all day and instead stick to our three meals a day. Preferably plant based meals but if not, just make sure you have a vegetable or two on your plate. It's important that you feed your temple/body food that will work positively on your behalf. If you're at home like me, now is the perfect time to start your garden.
Enough about food.
Let's talk about how we're going to work from home and teach these kids.
Breathe again!
Look on the bright side, you get to truly spend time with your babies and not just early mornings and evenings.
Take this time to create a schedule that works for YOU!
Waking early will help you get a better handle on the day before your child(ren) are awake.
It allows you to center yourself so you are prepared for what the day holds. During this time, I do not suggest listening to the news. We pretty much are aware of what's going on. Overindulging in news at this time can be detrimental to your state of mind. With a negative mental state, work will reflect it and most importantly your kids will feel it. We don't want either of those things happening. So, let's engage in activities that create positive alignment to kick off our days. During the day, it's important that you smile. You as well as your children, husband, wives, parents, friends, siblings, etc.. all need to visibly see happiness and calmness during these next few weeks.
Now, I'm not telling you not to prepare and take precautionary actions, because you should. Just don't allow precaution to become panic. Go to the store and purchase food that will last. So canned goods or fresh and just freeze it. If all the water is gone from your local markets, fill up a boiler with water from your faucet and BOIL IT.
God forbid your tissue runs out, them leaves outside will work. Hey, I'm just saying....
In other news, the song Don't Panic by: French Montana(don't judge me) keeps playing in my head.
It's funny how when we sit still and have so much time on our hands, we recall all types of things. Heck, yesterday, I was thinking about the old days when I could sneeze and people just said bless you. Too soon? Okay. I'm just trying to lighten the mood.
I know you all are strong because we've Prepared, Fought, and Elevated many times before. This time will be no different Sluggers. Trust me. It may get worst before it gets better but it WILL get better.
I know many of you work a 9 to 5 or equivalent like me and have a business, side hustle, or second jobs. So, I put together a schedule for you to help keep things together during your normal working hours. Try it out and share on your social media pages. Be sure to tag #royalschedule and @royalintervention
Focus on You
Also, I want you all to focus on you and your family during these times.
Don't get caught up in every challenge. Enjoy your alone time and your family.
Also, don't search the internet for what you should be doing during these times.
Work with what you have and look within yourself to find your answers.
As I've always said, times may be gloomy but their is still light if we choose to see it.
Check your vision, look to the light, and allow yourself to focus there.
Preparation. Fight. Elevation...